Friday, October 8, 2021

World Egg Day


Eggs! Be they in the form of omelettes, half fry, scrambled, boiled, fried, baked, poached, broiled etc. Everybody loves eggs. The most common types of eggs consumed are chicken, duck, quail, goose but there are also rare or eggs that are eaten, such as ostriches, gulls, emu, pheasant, gunieafowl. Apart from bird eggs, fish eggs (caviar) are also enjoyed in some places.

Nutrition profile:

Eggs are a high source of protein, with natural collagen. They are natural source of vitamin D. They are rich in vitamins B2, B6, B12, Selenium, Zinc and phosphorous. A normal chicken egg can give you as much as 155 kcals of energy, 12g of protein and 10g fat . Eggs can provide a number of health benefits such as strong muscles, better brain health, energy production, healthier immune system, healthy pregnancy, better eye health, management of cholesterol levels, reduction of type II diabetes, weight maintenance and lower risk of heart disease. They also improve skin quality and decrease wrinkles and promote healthy hair and nails.  


Pakistan Poultry Association is producing 17,500 million table eggs annually

·         The first World Egg Day was celebrated in 1996.

·         One of the most common infant allergies is that of the egg.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting such informative content


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