Thursday, October 7, 2021

Women's Health Snapshot

Women's Health Snapshot:

In countries like Pakistan, women's health is a major problem. People do not focus much on women unless they are about to get married or give birth. Due to underlying mental burdens associated with doctoral visits, most women don't visit the doctors unless it's life-threatening or severe. Most women are not even familiar with how to keep up with their health.

It is important to visit the doctor regularly or semi-regularly to keep up with your health. Having appropriate bloodwork done is also a necessity, such as having your CBC, Liver and Renal profile on hand. These are important indicators to know whether you have any problem or not.
So let's talk about the female's body health!
Here are some vitamins which are necessary for every female to have, in order to support their body systems. 


Apart from these, it is also necessary to include:

  • Vitamin A: for good vision
  • vitamin B6: for good mood, sleep, and boosted immune system
  • vitamin C: to protect eyes and immune system, improve heart health, prenatal health, fight wrinkles, reduce gum disease
  • vitamin E: To lower risk of heart disease, cancer risk, hot flashes and support skin health
  • Folic Acid: To reduce birth defects in newborns and lower risk of hypertension
  • Omega-3 Fatty acids: For a healthier heart, bones, skin and hair and to improve fertility


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