Thursday, October 14, 2021

Happy World Chicken Day


Who doesn't love eating chicken? Be it in the form of nuggets, roast, tenders, a zinger burger, a steak, a curry, pizza, pasta... etc. What's not to love? Let's take a loot at how this day came to be!

Chickens were domesticated about 8000 years ago. They were first used for cockfighting and then as food, in India. Since the popularity of the broiler chicken, their consumption has skyrocketed around the globe, with meat and eggs being used in multiple dishes, restaurants and meals.

Chicken meat is high in vitamins B3, B6, B7, B12, Iron and zinc.  Consumption of chicken meat has multiple benefits, such as aiding weight loss, reduction in common cold symptoms, reduced cancer risk, improved immunity, body metabolism, blood cell maintenance, diabetes, better heart health, anti-depressant roles, contributing to skin and eye health, as well as protection against cognitive function decline.

Fact: Pakistan Poultry Association is producing 1,322 million kilo grams chicken meat annually.


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